Trauma involving anterior teeth stands as a prevalent type of dental injury among school-age children, impacting physical, psychological, and social well-being. This study aimed to assess the occurrence of fractures in anterior teeth among school children in Hyderabad and its associated risk factors.
Materials and methods
This research incorporated a cross-sectional analysis, involving 2046 children in the age group of 8 to 13 years from different schools in Hyderabad City. Alongside clinical evaluations, all participants completed a questionnaire regarding traumatic dental injuries.
Results indicated a prevalence rate of 8.5%, notably higher among younger boys. Factors such as lip competence coverage, increased overjet, and malocclusion with maxillary incisor proclination were associated with a heightened risk of such injuries. The peak incidence was observed at age 12, with fractures involving enamel and dentin being the most common type, predominantly affecting the maxillary central incisors.
The findings emphasize the significance of educational programs aimed at enhancing awareness and understanding of dental injuries among parents, students, and school staff.