and TB recommends bidirectional screening of the two diseases. 6 A countrywide project was conducted in 2012 to better understand the optimal screening procedures, implementation, monitoring, results and challenges of screening patients with TB for DM within eight tertiary health care settings and more than 60 peripheral health institutions (PHIs). The aggregate data of the project have been reported elsewhere. 7,8 In this article, we pre sent on a more individual basis the feasibility and results of screening TB patients for DM in 17 PHIs in a district of South India, and the challenges faced during implementation.
DesignThis was a descriptive study involving the implementation of DM screening procedures for TB patients in routine programmatic settings.
SettingBangarpet (population 0.5 million) is one of the Tuberculosis Units (TU) in the Kolar district in the southern part of India. TB diagnosis and treatment services are delivered in a decentralised manner at all the 17 PHIs of the TU. Under India's Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), a PHI is defi ned as any health facility with a sanctioned medical offi cer position. All presumptive TB cases are investigated for the disease at the designated microscopy centres. After being diagnosed with TB, patients receive intermittent treatment three times a week for a period of 6-9 months, delivered under direct observation in accordance with national guidelines. 9 TB patients are registered and followed up until completion of treatment as per national guidelines.While facilities for DM screening are available at all PHIs, treatment services are provided only by the specialists at the district level hospital and are continued in the PHI closest to the patient. The average distance from the PHIs to the district hospital is 35 km. Patients had to travel to the specialist hospital at their own expense. The drugs for treating DM were available in the general pharmacy and dispensed by the hospital pharmacist on prescription by the treating doctor. All services for the diagnosis and treatment of DM were provided free of charge.
Interna onal Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseHealth solu ons for the poor
Study populationAll TB patients registered from January to September 2012 in 17 PHIs in Bangarpet TU were included in the study.
Diabetes mellitus screening, variables and data collectionThe methods of screening, diagnosis and referral of TB patients with DM to diabetes care have been described in detail elsewhere. 8 Briefl y, TB patients were asked if they had a history of DM. Among those with unknown DM status, a random blood glucose (RBG) test was offered, followed by a fasting blood glucose (FBG) test if the RBG was ⩾110 mg/dl (⩾6.1 mM). Blood glucose was assessed using a glucometer supplied by the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (NPCDCS) on a capillary blood sample. Those with an FBG ⩾126 mg/dl (⩾7 mM) were diagnosed with DM, and those with an FBG between 110 and 125 were diag...