This is a protocol for a Campbell systematic review of intervention effectiveness. The goal of this systematic review is to answer the following questions based on the available empirical evidence: Are there nutritional interventions (dietary manipulation, fortification or supplementation) that can reduce excessive aggression towards others in children/youth? If yes, how strong is their effect and is there a difference among the three intervention types? Are there nutritional interventions that can reduce antisocial behaviors in children/youth? If yes, how strong is their effect and is there a difference among the intervention types? Are there nutritional interventions that can reduce violent offending in children/youth? If yes, how strong is their effect and is there a difference among the intervention types? Are there nutritional interventions that can reduce non‐violent offending in children/youth? If yes, how strong is their effect and is there a difference among the intervention types? What implementation barriers and solutions to these exist in relation to the above nutritional interventions in children/youth?