ABSTRACT. Community strueture ofhelminths in stray dogs from San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru. Thilty stray dogs Canis fa mi/iaris Linnaeus, 1758 were col lected in San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru, between Janualy and March 1997 and necropsied for helminths. Three species were collected: the ceslodes Dipy/idiul/1 caninum (LiIUlaeus, 1758) Railliel, 1892 and Taenia pisiformis (B loch, 1780) and the nel11alode Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) Sli1es, 1905 . Fifty per cenl ofthe exal11ined dogs showed one or two parasites. A total 01' 303 (0-116) hell11inths were recovered and the intensily of infection was 30,3. The Simpson index (C) for ali paras ite species was 0,414, indicatinga dOl11inance by one species in the paras ite cOl11munity. The l11ean diversity in the infracoml11unities ofCfami/iaris was H ' = 0,038 and unifOlmity index of Pielou J = 0,207. Dipy/idium caninwl1, T pisiformis, and T canis presenled a prevalence of infection of33,30%, 10% and 16,6% respective ly. Dipy/idiul1l caninulII presented the highesl frequency and l11ean inlens ity ofinfection. Dipy/idium caninum was lhe helminth with the highest dominance (94%) whereas the lowest was due to T pisiformis (4%) and T canis (2%). Hell11inths were not related to lhe age ofthe hosts, prevalence and mean intensity of infection. Out ofthe 10 equally divided segments oI' the intestinal gut, D.caninul/1 was found fram lhe 6 th to the 9 th segment. T canis preterred almost exclusive ly lhe 1 SI segment whi le T pisiformis was randomly di slributed.
KEY WORDS. Canisfami/iaris, Dipy/idium caninum, Toxocara canis, Taenia pisifo rmis, peiTOS, PeruA nivel mundi al, el peITO Canisfamiliaris Linnaeus, 1758 es el principal vertebrado empleado como mascota por el ser humano. Su helmintofauna parasitari a, es una de las mejores conocidas, incluso en un país neotropical como Brasil, se han registrado 28 especies diferentes de nemátodos (VICENTE et ai. 1997). HOIDA et aI. (1998) indican el riesgo epidem iológico zoonótico para la salud humana de dos helmintos de importancia médica, Echinoccocus granulosus (Batsch, 1786) y Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) Stiles, 1905 transmitidos por perros. EI primero, es un céstodo que provoca hidatidosis y el segundo un nematodo, produce una enfermedad llamada " larva migrans visceral", ambos en el ser humano (WOODRUFF 1975 ; OVERGAAUW 1997 OVERGAAUW , 1998. Otros parásitos de importancia veterinaria como Dipylidium caninum (Linnaeus, 1758) Railliet, 1892 y Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780) pueden producir enfermedades diarreicas en C. fam iliaris