A 40-year-old lady presented with history of recurrent severe non-radiating mid-abdominal pain and loss of appetite and weight for 30 days, and progressive abdominal distension and fever for 15 days. In the last 4 days, she developed nonbilious vomiting, eight to ten times per day. She developed altered sensorium 2 days prior to hospital admission. Ascitic fluid was tapped by a local physician and she was told to have abdominal tuberculosis, for which she received treatment for 15 days. The fever subsided, but abdominal pain and distension increased gradually. She was noticed to have jaundice a few days prior to hospital admission. There was no history of altered bowels, GI bleed, seizures, headache, or swelling of feet or decreased urine output. She was married and has four children. There was no record of her menstrual cycle.She was diagnosed to have sputum-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 4 years back, and had received treatment for 9 months. Thereafter she had had multiple episodes of fever with no localization.
Clinical examinationShe had an average build and nutrition. The pulse rate was 80/min, blood pressure 114/80 mmHg, and respiratory rate was 18/min. She had icterus, and ascites and hepatomegaly (liver span 16 cm). She was afebrile, jugular venous pressure was not raised and there was no clubbing or lymph node enlargement. Liver was palpable 2 cm below the costal margin with a span of 16 cm; spleen was not palpable. Bowel sounds were sluggish; rectal examination was normal. Cardiovascular system was normal. Respiratory system revealed vesicular breath sounds with few scattered crepts. Examination of central nervous system revealed grade IV encephalopathy; pupils were normally reacting with normal fundi, plantars were bilaterally flexors and deep tendon reflexes were exaggerated. There were no meningeal signs and no apparent deficit.
InvestigationsPlatelet count was high (4.4×10 5 /L). Peripheral blood smear showed anisocytosis, occasional target cells, mild hypochromia with microcytes. The differential WBC count was normal. Serum cholesterol was 32 mg/dL, serum calcium/ phosphate were 8.5/3.5 mg/dL, blood sugar ranged between 45 and 187 mg/dL. ESR, amylase, AST, ALT and serum alkaline phosphatase were within normal range. CSF: Protein was 15 mg/dL and sugar was 67 mg/dL, no cells. Urine revealed eight to ten RBC and two to three pus cells per high power field. Ascitic fluid had protein 2.1 g/dL, SAAG 1.8, ADA 9 units and sugar 55 mg/dL; microscopy showed 5000 cells, all were degenerated and intact neutrophils; there were no malignant cells or RBC. Culture was sterile. ECG showed sinus bradycardia. Arterial blood gas study was initially normal and terminally the patient had mild hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis.
RadiologyChest X-ray showed small calcified lesions in both upper lobes. Abdominal X-ray showed multiple air-fluid levels. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed mild hepatomegaly with ascites. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) of the head was normal. CECT abdomen done 2 days after ad...