The fission probability P f of highly excited targetlike nuclei produced in reactions of 2.5 GeV protons on Au, Bi, and U was studied as a function of excitation energy E whereby E is deduced eventwise from the multiplicity of evaporated light particles. At the highest E of 1000 MeV P f amounts to 30% with all 3 target nuclei irrespective of the initial fissility. Statistical-model calculations satisfactorily reproduce the observed evolution of P f with E -provided that no extra transient delay is introduced. Fission thus is decided upon very fast and early in the long deexcitation chain towards scission which comprises as much as 80% of all evaporated alpha particles. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.162701 PACS numbers: 24.75.+i, 24.10.2i, 25.40.Sc, 24.60.Dr At low excitation energy nuclear fission is strongly influenced by nuclear shell effects, resulting, for instance, for U in the well known binary split into two mass asymmetric fission fragments. With increasing excitation these nuclear structure effects are washed out, and macroscopic properties such as nuclear dissipation dominate the collective flow of nuclear matter from the equilibrium deformation via the saddle towards scission into two fragments of about equal size. The overall time elapsed from the equilibrium deformation up to scission is found to be a few times 10 ÿ20 s. This time is quite long compared to other processes such as the emission of neutrons which is 10 to 100 times faster. This observation has led to the notion of fission being a slow process [1].Since the magnitude of nuclear dissipation is most likely deformation dependent [2], the characteristic time governing the flow over the saddle point, where the decision about fission is made, might be considerably shorter than the one close to the scission point. In particular, at high excitation energies, where the emission times of light charged particles are very short, a long transient delay for fission at the saddle point would strongly favor the emission of charged particles, thus reducing the fissility and, consequently, second-and higher-chance fission probabilities. Conversely, low dissipation at the saddle or a minimum transient delay tends to keep fission competitive with particle evaporation even at high excitation. In other words, although the entire fission process is slow, the decision to fission can be fast.We have chosen 2.5 GeV proton-induced reactions to excite three target nuclei, Au, Bi, and U with different fissilities Z 2 =A 31:7, 33.0, and 35.6, respectively, in order to study the evolution of the inelastic reaction, inel , and the fission cross section, f , as a function of excitation energy, E , and fissility. Their ratio, the fission probability P f E f E = inel E , provides the best possible evidence for the presence of dissipative or transient effects in fission. The selected reactions, similar to antiproton [3,4] or peripheral relativistic heavy-ion reactions [5,6], are thought to deposit high thermal excitation with minimum ballast from collective excitations ...