The space maintainers are mainly the devices that have been specially designed to maintain a space or to create an additional space that was lost due to the premature loss of the primitive teeth. They are mainly available in the various types with different types of indications. The main reasons for the premature loss of the teeth has been indicated for the extraction due to the dental caries or trauma or any type of genetic disorders.The main aim of this study is to estimate the most common type of the space maintainer that has been used among the different age and gender groups. All the patients are being considered in the study with the age group of 3-12 years, they must mainly have clinically missing teeth. The results are obtained and tabulated for the statistical analysis, both descriptive and inferential test which is done by using SPSS version 23. From the above study the results are obtained as, the age distribution of this particular study is mainly about the age groups 1-5 years(48%) and 6-12 years (52%),the gender distribution of this study is males(62%) and females (38%). The most common type of the space maintainer used is the Band and loop space maintainer. Within the limits of this particular study the most common type of the space maintainer indicated is the band and loop space maintainer for the age group of 6-12 years and has the higher gender predilection among the male children.