Objective: To investigate differences in overweight and obesity between firstgeneration Dutch-Ghanaian migrants in The Netherlands and their rural and urban counterparts in Ghana. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: A total of 1471 Ghanaians (rural Ghanaians, n 532; urban Ghanaians, n 787; Dutch-Ghanaians, n 152) aged $17 years. Main outcome measures: Overweight (BMI $ 25 kg/m 2 ) and obesity (BMI $ 30 kg/m 2 ). Results: Dutch-Ghanaians had a significantly higher prevalence of overweight and obesity (men 69?1 %, women 79?5 %) than urban Ghanaians (men 22?0 %, women 50?0 %) and rural Ghanaians (men 10?3 %, women 19?0 %). Urban Ghanaian men and women also had a significantly higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than their rural Ghanaian counterparts. In a logistic regression analysis adjusting for age and education, the odds ratios for being overweight or obese were 3?10 (95 % CI 1?75, 5?48) for urban Ghanaian men and 19?06 (95 % CI 8?98, 40?43) for Dutch-Ghanaian men compared with rural Ghanaian men. Among women, the odds ratios for being overweight and obese were 3?84 (95 % CI 2?66, 5?53) for urban Ghanaians and 11?4 (95 % CI 5?97, 22?07) for Dutch-Ghanaians compared with their rural Ghanaian counterparts. Conclusion: Our current findings give credence to earlier reports of an increase in the prevalence of overweight/obesity with urbanization within Africa and migration to industrialized countries. These findings indicate an urgent need to further assess migration-related factors that lead to these increases in overweight and obesity among migrants with non-Western background, and their impact on overweight-and obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes among these populations.