Background: Dental malocclusions exhibit the third-highest prevalence among oral pathologies. The occlusion is evaluated in primary, mixed and permanent dentition. Most orthodontic patients were treated in the early permanent dentition. Early detection of dental anomalies is important to prevent complications and can have short-term and long-term benefits. The epidemiological data on the prevalence of malocclusion is an important determinant in planning appropriate levels of orthodontic services. Dentists have the responsibility to recognize, diagnose, and manage or refer to abnormalities. Data from researches showed that is the incidence of malocclusions from 11% to 93%. The study aim is to find out, the prevalence and species of malocclusion of school children in 4 school years, how they are registered by general dentists.Results: The research was conducted in 4 consecutive school years on schoolchildren from 1. to 9. class. Dentists have registered the presence and type of malocclusion. They are made statistical data percentage of children with malocclusion and percentage of representation malocclusion and statistical difference between genders. The percentage of malocclusion was the lowest in the 1. class. The highest percentage of malocclusion was in 7. class. The most common types of malocclusion were deep bite, crowding cross bite and II class of Angle's. The upper lateral incisive was the most common missing tooth (aplasia).Conclusion: The high percentage of malocclusion at the end of school (15-year-old) about 50% and the low number of children in orthodontic therapy.