Background: General practitioners (GPs) often manage individuals with work-related common mental disorders (CMD: depressive disorders, anxiety and alcohol abuse). However, little is known about the management characteristics. The aim of this study is to analyze GPs’ management and patterns of referral to other health professionals of patient with work-related CMD and associated factors.
Method: We used data from a cross-sectional study of 2 027 working patients of 121 GPs in the Nord – Pas-de-Calais region in France (April – August 2014). Statistical analyses focused on patients with work-related CMD detected by the GP. Descriptive analyses were used to characterize GPs’ management of the patients’ symptoms. Associations between patient, work, GP and contextual characteristics and GPs’ management were explored using modified Poisson regression models with robust variance.
Results: Among the 533 patients with work-related CMD in the study, the GPs provided psychosocial support to 88.0%, 82.4% were prescribed psychotropic treatment and 50.7% were on sick leave. Referral rates to mental health specialists and occupational physicians were respectively 39.8% and 26.1%. Several factors including patients’ characteristics (occupational and sociodemographic), GPs’ characteristics and environmental data were associated with the different type of management used by the GP.
Conclusion: Our study emphasizes the major and often lonesome role of the GP in the management of patients with work-related CMDs. Better knowledge of the way GPs manage those patients could help GPs in their practice, improve patients care and be a starting point to implement a more collaborative care approach.