Objective: To assess health-related quality of life after stroke and associate this event with the characteristics of people who suffered a stroke. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted at a rehabilitation center for stroke survivors with 104 patients. The Mini-mental state examination (MMSE); an instrument for collection of sociodemographic, economic, clinical, and family related information; and the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale were applied. Results: Of the 104 people investigated, 77 did not have cognitive deficit and answered the instruments. Their mean at the MMSE was 24.9 (±4.3). 51.9% were men and their mean age was 57.3 (±17.2) years. Most of them were married (48.1%) and had eight or more years of schooling (50.7%). Their health-related quality of life was affected (146.8±36.3), mainly in the social and family relations domains. Conclusion: An impairment in the health-related quality of life and negative consequences of the stroke were observed, together with dyslipidemia, left-side hemiplegia, and speech difficulty.
ResumoObjetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de pessoas após acidente vascular cerebral e associar esse evento às características desses indivíduos. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em centro de reabilitação com pessoas sobreviventes de acidente vascular cerebral com 104 pacientes. Foram aplicados Miniexame do Estado Mental; instrumento para coleta de informações sociodemográficas, econômicas, do arranjo familiar e clínicas; e Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale. Resultados: Das 104 pessoas investigadas, 77 não apresentaram défice cognitivo e responderam aos instrumentos. A média no Miniexame do Estado Mental foi 24,9 (±4,3); 51,9% eram homens, a média da idade foi 57,3(±17,2) anos, a maioria era casada (48,1%), com 8 anos ou mais de estudo (50,7%). A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi afetada (146,8±36,3), principalmente nos domínios relações sociais e familiares. Conclusão: Evidenciaram-se comprometimento da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e consequências negativas da doença, associadas à escolaridade, dislipidemia, hemiplegia esquerda e dificuldade de fala.