Introduction: Ability to achieve successful MCGR distraction is crucial for gradual spine lengthening. Rod slippage has been described as a failure of internal magnet rotation leading to a slippage and an inability to distract the rod. However, its onset, significance and risk factors are currently unknown. In addition, how this phenomenon pertains to actual distracted lengths is unknown. Hence, the aims of this study are to identify the factors that are associated with rod slippage and to study the pattern of achieved length gain with a standard distraction methodology. Methods: A total of 22 patients with MCGR implantation with at least 6 distraction episodes were prospectively studied. Patients with rod slippage occurring ≤6 distraction episodes were considered early rod slippage while those >6 or have yet not slipped were grouped as late rod slippage. The association of parameters including body habitus, maturity status, age of implantation, total number of distractions, months of distraction from initial implantation, initial and postoperative Cobb angle, T1-T12, T1-S1, T5-T12 kyphosis, curve flexibility, fusion block length, and distance between magnets in dual rods and between the magnets and apex of the 2 curve with early or late onset of rod slippage was studied. Differences between expected and achieved distraction lengths were assessed with reference to rod slippage episodes and rod exchanges to determine any patterns of diminishing returns. Results: Patients had mean age of 7.1 years at diagnosis with mean follow-up of 49.8 months. A mean 32.4 distractions were performed per patient. Early rod slippage occurred in 14 patients and late rod slippage occurred in 8 patients. Increased height, weight, body mass index, older age, increased T1-12 and T1-S1 lengths, and less distance between magnets were significantly associated with early rod slippage. Expected distraction lengths did not translate to achieved distraction lengths. Reduced length gains were observed after achieving one-third of the allowable distracted length in the first MCGR implanted. However, this rate returned to its original baseline after rod exchange with another reduction observed after half of the total achievable length was obtained in the second MCGR. Conclusion: This is the first study to specifically analyze the impact of rod slippage on distraction lengths and the risk factors associated with its onset and frequency. Increased body habitus and reduced distance between internal magnets significantly influenced rod slippage events. In addition, mismatching between expected and achieved distraction lengths was illustrated. Diminishing returns in distracted length gains were only observed after a certain usage of the MCGR rather than the number of distractions and overall length gain. * indicated statistical significance Early slippage indicates a slippage ≤6 distractions. Late slippage indicates no slip or slippage >6 distractions BMI: body mass index; DRU: distal radius and ulna classification; FBCI: fulcrum bending corrective in...