In 1970, the newly formed Schizophrenia Action Committee claimed that 'Schizophrenia is one of the greatest crippling scourges of mankind.' 1 The pamphlet was a call to arms, seeking members to join and bolster this new organisation. It called for those with personal experience and first-hand knowledge of the condition to make themselves known and come together with like-minded people, to help and be helped in return. Schizophrenia is still in the 'unmentionable classes' of stigmatised illnesses, the pamphlet argued, highlighting that 'to drag the horrible problem into the full light of day and publicity was the only way of dealing with it.' 2 Explaining that the community care programme and new drugs meant that more schizophrenic persons were being pushed out of closing mental hospitals and back into the homes of the often unprepared and ill-equipped, goodwill of families and caregivers, the article