Objective: To determine the effect of seven different beverages on tooth enamel. Material and Methods: Human teeth samples were immersed in each beverage (Pepsi, Red Bull, Orange juice, Apple juice, Lemon juice, Coffee and Green tea). Specimens were divided into seven groups by beverage type (n = 5 per group). Weight of the enamel was measured before and after immersion in different beverages daily for at periodic intervals of 24hrs, 7 days, 15 days and 30 days. The data were recorded after weighing the teeth at each time. The beverages were replaced daily. Anova and Tukey post hoc test was performed to compare the differences in percent weight loss. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: There was change in the mean percent weight loss amongst the different beverages with orange juice showing a high reduction in comparison to green tea and coffee. The mean weight reduction of orange juice was by 21% followed by Red Bull (13%), Pepsi (11%), Lemon juice (16%), Apple juice (16%), coffee (3%) and green tea (3%). Conclusion: This study shows that different beverages have erosive potential on teeth depending on the duration of the exposure.