A controlled study of cervical cerclage in expectant management of placenta previa was conducted with 37 patients with symptomatic placenta previa in the LNJP Hospital (a tertiary health care center), New Delhi, India.The Indian Council of Medical Research funded the study from December 1996 to June 1999. The aim of the study was to assess the safety and efficacy of cervical cerclage by the McDonald technique in placenta previa.During the study period, 116 patients with symptomatic placenta previa were admitted and a total of 8441 deliveries was performed.There were 18 patients in the cerclage group and 19 patients in the control group. The Student's t-test, Fisher's exact probability test, and the v 2 with Yates' correction factor were used for statistical analysis. P V 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Written informed consent was provided by all patients.Patients admitted on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays were allotted the cerclage group and those admitted on other days of the week were assigned to conventional expectant management.Selection criteria were (i) Painless vaginal bleeding with a gestation period between 20 and 34 weeks, and (ii) sonographic confirmation and classification of placenta previa with exclusion of gross congenital anomalies.Exclusion criteria were (i) presence of other complications, (ii) Type I placenta previa N 2 cm from internal os, and (iii) cervical length b3 cm on speculum examination 24 h after cessation of hemorrhage.Management included bed rest, sedation in case of hemorrhage, weekly steroids during 28-34 weeks of gestation (a protocol during the study period but not presently followed), and blood transfusions when required. The McDonald stitch was applied with prophylactic antibiotics and tocolytics 1 h prior to the procedure and continued for 48 h postoperatively in the cerclage group. The patients with minor placenta 0020-7292/$ -see front matter D