Microtransactions, small in-app purchases within virtual environments, have become increasingly prevalent in modern gaming, often leading to addictive behaviors and financial burdens, particularly among young male players. The potential consequences of such microtransactions within the metaverse extend beyond gaming, as they provide companies with unprecedented control over user experiences and the ability to capitalize personal data for targeted advertising and manipulative practices. This article presents a comprehensive framework for the ethical analysis and design of microtransactions in the metaverse to address these concerns. This three-dimensional framework explores Motivation, Engagement, and Fairness to evaluate the impact of microtransactions on user autonomy, social interactions, and overall fairness. Additionally, the paper conducts a running example on World of Warcraft to assess the alignment of its microtransaction design choices with the proposed ethical principles. By shedding light on these issues, this article aims to raise awareness among consumers, developers, and policymakers about the need for responsible practices, consumer protection, and privacy preservation in the metaverse. It emphasizes fostering collaboration and transparency to safeguard users from misuse while promoting a user-centric metaverse ecosystem. Design, ethics, metaverse, microtransactions, video games.