We prove the non-linear asymptotic stability of the Schwarzschild family as solutions to the Einstein vacuum equations in the exterior of the black hole region: general vacuum initial data-with no symmetry assumedsufficiently close to Schwarzschild data evolve to a vacuum spacetime which (i) possesses a complete future null infinity I + (whose past J − (I + ) is moreover bounded by a regular future complete event horizon H + ),(ii) remains close to Schwarzschild in its exterior, and(iii) asymptotes back to a member of the Schwarzschild family as an appropriate notion of time goes to infinity, provided that the data are themselves constrained to lie on a teleologically constructed codimension-3 "submanifold" of moduli space. This is the full nonlinear asymptotic stability of Schwarzschild since solutions not arising from data lying on this submanifold should by dimensional considerations approach a Kerr spacetime with rotation parameter a = 0, i.e. such solutions cannot satisfy (iii). The statement is effective, providing quantitative bounds from explicit initial data quantities, and the global nearness to Schwarzschild at top order can be measured with respect to the same quantity as initial data, i.e. without loss of derivatives. The proof employs teleologically normalised double null gauges, is expressed entirely in physical space and makes essential use of the analysis in our previous study of the linear stability of the Kerr family around Schwarzschild [DHR], as well as techniques developed over the years to control the non-linearities of the Einstein equations, in particular in the difficult radiation zone associated to subtle non-linear effects like Christodoulou memory. The present work, however, is entirely self-contained. In view of the recent [DHR19, TdCSR20], our approach can be applied to the full non-linear asymptotic stability of the subextremal Kerr family.cone which is a level surface of the exterior optical function. This is still compatible with decay of all quantities for fixed r since the "interior" region was covered by a different optical functions whose null cones were not related to the null cones of the exterior optical function. In the exterior region of [CK93], on the other hand, the r decay is sufficient to compensate for the lack of decay for some fully rescaled quantities in u, so as for all nonlinearities to still be controllable.We begin with the point p ∈ S and v ∈ T p S. By a well known result of Klingenberg [Kli59], if in (4.4.1) is sufficiently small, there exists a geodesic polar neighbourhood S p, 7 8 π ⊂ S around p of, say, radius 7 8 π. Let us denote the chart by the diffeomorphism ϕ p, 7 8 π : S p, 7 8 π → D 7 8 π .Associated to this chart are geodesic polar coordinates which we shall denote as (θ, φ). These are uniquely determined by declaring that φ = 0 corresponds to the direction ∂ v and the frame ∂ θ , ∂ φ is compatible with the orientation where defined. Let γ(s) denote the geodesic in S with initial condition γ(0) = p, γ (0) = v. This is parametrised by arc length. ...