This paper contributes to the development of a neo-Schumpeterian price theory by combining elements of Sraffian and post-Keynesian price theory with elements drawn from Schumpeter's own theory of prices. The result is an integrated heterodox approach to price theory incorporating the realism of post-Keynesian pricing rules and the rigour of Sraffa's formal modelling, along with Schumpeter's insight that capitalism develops "from within" in a disruptive and uneven manner. JEL codes: D40, O30, B52 * An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 16 th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference held in Montreal Canada in July 2016. The author is grateful for comments received from conference participants, especially Brendan Markey-Towler and Beniamino Callegari. Additional comments from two anonymous referees have been most useful in revising the paper to clarify several points. The author remains responsible for any remaining errors or omissions.