This study compares different index construction methods of timberland investment returns and evaluates the resulting indices by various asset pricing models. In addition to various NCRIEF indices, I include a de-smoothed index that attempts to restore property market values, a transaction-based index that tracks ex post transaction prices, and a pure-play index that is based on unleveraged returns of public timber firms and only has exposures to the timber segment. The findings are that the appraisal-based timberland index has higher mean and lower volatility compared with the transaction-based timberland index, separate accounts outperform comingled funds in the private timberland market, the pure-play timberland index exhibits higher return and lower risk than the corresponding portfolio of public timber firms, and abnormal performance of timberland asset becomes less significant after controlling for the appraisal smoothing or by using real transaction data. These results can help timberland investors better benchmark their financial performance.