Adrenal tuberculosis (TB) is a rare disease, which is difficult to diagnose because of its atypical symptoms. We reported a 41-year-old female who was admitted to hospital due to a left adrenal tumor, which was found in health examination without any symptoms. Abdominal CT showed a mass in her left adrenal. The results of blood test were normal. A retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy was carried out, and adrenal TB was finally pathologically diagnosed. Following this, examinations focusing on TB were conducted which revealed negative results except for T-cell enzyme-linked immunospot. After the operation, the hormone level was normal. However, a wound infection occurred, which was recovered after antituberculosis treatment. In conclusion, even if there is no evidence of TB, we should be alert when diagnosing adrenal masses. Examinations of pathology, radiography, and hormone play important roles in determining the definite diagnosis of adrenal TB.