Secondary coordination sphere (SCS) interactions have
been shown
to play important roles in tuning reduction potentials and electron
transfer (ET) properties of the Type 1 copper proteins, but the precise
roles of these interactions are not fully understood. In this work,
we examined the influence of F114P, F114N, and N47S mutations in the
SCS on the electronic structure of the T1 copper center in azurin
(Az) by studying the hyperfine couplings of (i) histidine remote Nε nitrogens and (ii) the amide Np using the
two-dimensional (2D) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
technique HYSCORE (hyperfine sublevel correlation) combined with quantum
mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) and DLPNO-CCSD calculations.
Our data show that some components of hyperfine tensor and isotropic
coupling in N47SAz and F114PAz (but not F114NAz) deviate by up to
∼±20% from WTAz, indicating that these mutations significantly
influence the spin density distribution between the CuII site and coordinating ligands. Furthermore, our calculations support
the assignment of Np to the backbone amide of residue 47
(both in Asn and Ser variants). Since the spin density distributions
play an important role in tuning the covalency of the Cu-Scys bond
of Type 1 copper center that has been shown to be crucial in controlling
the reduction potentials, this study provides additional insights
into the electron spin factor in tuning the reduction potentials and
ET properties.