Introduction. Developmental disorders acquire an extensive group of diseases, including congenital forms in inheritance variants, as well as secondary acquired forms due to skin or systemic manifestations.The purpose of this publication is to demonstrate the features of the differential diagnosis of skin hyperpigmentation to identify the clinical manifestation of notalgia paresthetica.Materials and methods. A review of foreign and domestic literary sources was carried out using the search engines eLibrary.Ru, Scopus, PubMed. On the basis of the patient’s voluntary informed consent, an analysis of medical documentation was carried out, taking into account clinical and anamnestic data and the results of laboratory and instrumental examination. Results. The article presents a review of the literature, as well as a clinical case of notalgia paresthetica in a patient with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine.Discussion. Notalgia paresthetica belongs to a large group of cutaneous dysesthesias and is a sensory neuropathy characterized by localized unilateral itching and hyperpigmentation of the skin of the back in the zone of innervation of the cutaneous branches of the thoracic spinal nerves, affecting more often adult and elderly women. The nonspecificity of skin manifestations of notalgia paresthetica and the low awareness of doctors about this disease can lead to diagnostic and tactical errors. Skin itching of varying intensity is the main symptom of the disease, leading to an accentuation of its disease and a decrease in the quality of life of patients.Conclusion. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the pathology, the article may be of interest to neurologists, neurosurgeons, dermatovenereologists, general practitioners, general practitioners, oncologists, and endocrinologists.