When we discuss the genetics of tumors, we cannot fail to remember that in the second decade of the twentieth century, more precisely in 1914, Theodore Boveri defined for the first time the chromosomal bases of cancer. In the last 30 years, progresses in genetics have only confirmed Boveri's remarkable predictions made more than 80 years ago. Before the cloning of the retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) gene, the existence of a genetic component in most, if not all, solid childhood tumors were well known. The existence of familial tumor aggregations has been found much more frequently than researchers expected to find at random. Sometimes, the demonstration of this family predisposition was very difficult, because the survival of children diagnosed as having a certain tumor, up to an age at which reproduction and procreation is possible, was very rare. In recent years, advances in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases have made it possible for these children to survive until the age when they were able to start their own families, including the ability to procreate. Four distinct groups of socalled cancer genes have been identified: oncogenes, which promote tumor cell proliferation; tumor suppressor genes, which inhibit this growth/proliferation; anti-mutational genes, with a role in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) stability; and micro-ribonucleic acid (miRNA) genes, with a role in the posttranscriptional process.