Dish structure is defined by the presence of thin, subhorizontal, flat to concaveupward, argillaceous laminations in siltstone and sandstone units. It is commonly associated with vertical or nearly vertical cross-cutting columns and sheets of massive sand termed pillars. Both form commonly in sediment ranging in grain size from coarse-grained siltstone to coarse-grained, conglomeratic sandstone. In sedimentation units greater than about 0.5 m thick, dish structure is faint and neither cuts across nor is cross-cut by other sedimentary structures. In thinner units dish structures commonly cut across primary flat laminations, climbing-ripple cross-laminations, and convolute laminations. l)ish and pillar structures form during the consolidation of rapidly deposited, underconsolidated or quick beds. During gradual compaction and dewatering, semi-permeable laminations act as partial barriers to upward-moving fluidized sediment-water slurries, forcing horizontaI flow beneath the laminations to points where continued vertical escape is possible. As water seeps upward through the confining laminations, fine sediment, planar, and low-density grains are filtered out and concentrated in the sediment pore spaces. The resulting clay-and organic-enriclaed laminations are flat dishes that may be later deformed by the upward pressure of flow around their margins and central subsidence as underlying sediment and water escape. Pillars form during forceful, explosive water escape. It is suggested that tbe shapes of dishes and pillars within an individual bed can be related to its original water content, thickness, and grain size; to the rate and magnitude of dewatering including consideration of water entering the bed from underlying consolidating sediments; and to the types and distribution of earlier-formed sedimentary structures. l)isb structures cannot be used directly to infer transport or depositional processes. \Vhere dishes are associated with or cut across primary sedimentary structures, the latter indicate deposition from currents.The study indicates that coarse-grained terrigenous sediments often have prononneed and complex consolidation histories. Many rapidly deposited beds undergo partial liquefaction mad fhfidization during consolidatiou but retain sufficient strength to resist wholesale downslope flowage in response to gravity.
DISH AA'D PILLAR 5~TRUCTURES48S dishes in coarse-grained lithie sandstone. Pigeon Point Formation (Cretaceous), California. (c) Finegrained dish-structured bed showing complex and extended consolidation history; oldest dishes (1) are strongly concave, discontinuous, and have commonly been blurred by the upward flow of fluidized sediment through associated pillars; later-formed dishes (2) are flatter, more continuous, and separated vertically by sand showing well defined substructure--the dark dish lamination, an underlying zone of white claypoor sand, and an overlying zone of gray argillaceous sand. Beds showing this degree of complexity are rare and suggest more than one period of water expul...