Within the heart there burns a sort of vestal fire, so subtle that it escapes immediately through any incision made to reveal it. Hippocrates
SummaryTechnological advances often precede scientific breakthroughs that have led to leaps in our understanding of human physiology. The advent of the electrical galvanometer was a landmark advancement that enabled careful study of the electrical activation of the heart. Similarly, optical imaging, or mapping, using fluorescent, voltage sensitive dyes has enabled the careful study of the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes, and improved our understanding of how anatomic structure is related to electrophysiological function. We review the major findings of optical mapping studies of the sinoatrial node (SAN) and atrioventricular node (AVN), with particular emphasis on clinically relevant physiology and pathophysiology. We pay particular attention to clinical implications of these seminal findings derived from animal models and from the optical mapping study of human hearts. The studies presented are intended to improve the reader's understanding of SAN and AVN physiology, as well as to offer insight into the advantages and limitations of optical mapping.
Optical mapping methodologyThe sinoatrial node (SAN) and atrioventricular node (AVN) of large mammals such as canines and humans are complex, three-dimensional structures consisting of electrically specialized tissues that are largely insulated from the surrounding structures. The SAN and AVN are essentially encased in fibrofatty tissues, vasculature and connective tissue, and surrounded by atrial myocardium. This complex anatomy prevents surface electrodes from delineating activation within the SAN and AVN. Microelectrode recordings provide a reliable tool to visualize electrical responses of specialized cell types that are integral parts of these structures, but cannot reveal a broad pattern of activation due to the focal spatial nature of these recordings. Moreover, the depth of microelectrode impalement is difficult to verify, and cells located closer to the endocardial surface may be activated substantially later (SAN) or earlier (AVN) than those at depth. Optical mapping (OM) takes advantage of fluorescent, voltage sensitive dyes whose absorption and emission spectra change with changes in transmembrane voltage, to accurately image action potentials from a large area, in terms of anatomic surface and to a lesser extent, depth. Recorded optical action potentials (AP) are a composite of the APs from superficial and deeper anatomic structures, which can be deconstructed to reveal the electrical and functional properties of individual structures that make up the SAN and AVN. The ability to deconstruct these complex optical AP signals is critical to understanding the function of these complex structures. Optical mapping has enabled studies of the origin and propagation of electrical activity within and surrounding the SAN and AVN to improve our understanding of function during physiological and pathological sta...