Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease caused by My cobacterium leprae, identified by G. H. A. Hansen in 1873, is one of the most common treatable peripheral neuropathy in the world. Leprosy causes a 'mononeuritis multiplex' of immunological origin that results in autonomic, sensory and motor neuropathy 1 . The skin, the peripheral nerves, the nasal mucosa, eyes, and the reticulum-endothelial system are the preferred target sites for this infection. The clinical and pathological manifestations are determined by the natural resistance of the host to invasion of M. Leprae. It still remains a stigmatizing disease. Leprosy can be effectively treated with multidrug therapy (MDT) before disability appears. The early diagnosis of leprosy often leads to a less amount of disabilities. This review has the objective to call attention for the clinical presentations of leprosy neuropathy in clinical practice.
EPiDEMiOLOgyThe World Health Organization (WHO), in 2009, informed that 17 countries (including India, and Brazil) reported more than 1000 new cases, performing 94% of the new globally detected. Some sporadic cases can be seen in countries receiving immigrants from underdeveloped countries. This is
ABStrACtLeprosy is a chronic infectious peripheral neuropathy caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The different clinical presentations of the disease are determined by the quality of the host immune response. Early detection of leprosy and treatment by multidrug therapy are the most important steps in preventing deformity and disability. Thus the early recognition of the clinical leprosy presentation is essential. Mononeuritis, mononeuritis multiplex (MM), polyneuritis (MM summation) are the most frequent. The frequent anesthetic skin lesions are absent in the pure neuritic leprosy presentation form. Isolated peripheral nerve involvement is common, including the cranial ones. Arthritic presentation is occasionally seen, usually misdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. Attention should be given to autonomic dysfunctions in leprosy. There are clinical presentations with severe neuropathic pain -painful small-fiber neuropathy. Leprous late-onset neuropathy (LLON) clinical presentation should be considered facing a patient who develop an inflammatory neuropathy many years after a previous skin leprosy treatment.Keywords: leprosy neuropathy, clinical presentations, pure neuritic form, neuropathic pain, leprosy late-onset neuropathy, arthritic leprosy, autonomic leprosy, review. rESUMO A hanseníase é uma neuropatia periférica infecciosa, crônica, causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae. As diferentes apresentações clínicas são determinadas pela qualidade da resposta imune do hospedeiro. O diagnóstico precoce e a multi-droga terapia são os passos mais importantes na prevenção de deformidades e incapacidades. Dessa forma, o reconhecimento precoce da apresentação clínica da hanseníase é essencial. Mononeurites, mononeurites múltipla (MM), polineurite (superposição de MM) são as mais frequentes. As frequentes lesões anestésicas de pele estão ausent...