Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas are a group of highly diverse lymphoproliferative malignancies and have great tendency to involve in organs and tissues that typically don’t contain lymphoid cells. Primary extra-nodal NHL of the oral cavity are thin on the ground, and cheek location is one of the rarest intraoral sites involved. The majority of oral NHLs reported are of diffuse large B-cell type. The present case highlights one of the scarce forms of primary extra-nodal non-Hodgkin; cheek location reveled by a swelling in the right cheek. Routine laboratory tests were within normal limits and clinical examination showcases painless, poorly limited mass. CT and MRI were performed revealing an enhanced tissue lesion with muscular infiltration and no bone lysis. An initial biopsy of the lesion was determined insignificant. A resection biopsy was evaluated using histologic techniques and immunohistochemistry, which established the proper diagnosis of extra-nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. In view of their malignant nature and the fact that only histopathological examination can define the diagnosis, we report this case to aid an early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment, that are essential for a patient’s survival.