A para 4, 35-year-old woman with 3 living issues and farmer by occupation presented to our hospital with symptoms of acute urinary retention for which an indwelling urinary catheter was inserted. There were no associated symptoms of hematuria, frequency, urgency or burning micturition. She also had a history of progressively increasing lump abdomen for past 6 months with dull aching pain. The patient gave a history of having undergone laparotomies twice during her childhood for a liver pathology, but she was unaware of the actual diagnosis. No records were available.A physical examination revealed a 10x8 cm cystic abdominal mass in the left lumbar region. The mass was freely mobile and nontender. There was another large abdomino-pelvic lump corresponding to 18-20 weeks' gestation, cystic, mobile from side to side, non-tender, and the lower border could not be discerned. A per vaginal examination revealed a normal-sized uterus with a large 10x15 cm cystic mass felt through the right and posterior fornix.Ultrasound revealed two large multi-septated cystic lesions on the right and left side reaching up to the epigastrium with multiple small cysts seen in both masses with no increase in vascularity, no solid areas, and no free fluid in the abdomen (Figure 1).Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed non-enhancing peritoneal and omental-based clusters of nonloculated cystic lesions in the mid abdomen (14x11x11 cm), in the left iliac fossa (6x7x7 cm), and in the pelvis (13x10x10 cm) with multiple small cysts within (Figure 2).The patient was planned for a laparotomy. Intra-operatively, the uterus was normal size. A 10x15 cm clear cyst was seen arising from the left ovary with multiple small cysts with viscous pale, yellow fluid inside them. A similar 2x2 cm cyst was seen arising from the right ovary, and a 20x10 cm cyst and a 5x6 cm cyst were seen arising from the greater omentum ( Figure 3). Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omental cyst excision was performed.