The political negotiation, erection and fall of national and cultural borders represents an issue that frequently occupies the media. Given the historical importance of boundaries as a marker of cultural identity, as well as their function to separate and unite people, the Body Type (BTD) (Wilson 2006) Dictionary represents a suitable computerized content analysis measure to analyse vocabulary qualified to measure body boundaries and their penetrability. Out of this context, this study aimed to assess the inter-method reliability of the Body Type Dictionary (BTD) (Wilson 2006) in relation to Fisher and Cleveland's (1956, 1958) manual scoring system for high and low barrier personalities. The results indicated that Fisher and Cleveland's manually coded barrier and penetration imagery scores showed an acceptable positive correlation with the computerised frequency counts of the BTD's coded barrier and penetration imagery scores, thereby indicating an inter-method reliability. In addition, barrier and penetration imagery correlated positively with primordial thought language in the picture response test, and narratives of everyday and dream memories, thereby indicating correlational validity. Barrier imagery Examples of semantic items Clothing items Dress, robe, costume Animals with distinctive or unusual skins, including shelled creatures Alligator, badger, peacock, snails, shrimp Enclosed openings in the earth Valley, ravine, canal Unusual animal containers Bloated, kangaroo, pregnant Overhanging or protective surfaces Umbrella, dome, shield Armoured objects or objects dependent on their own walls Armour, battleship, ship Things being covered, surrounded or concealed Covered, hidden, behind Buildings Bungalow, cathedral, tower (except buildings that relate to social institutions, e.g. church, hospital, school. Enclosed vehicles Car, ship, truck Things with unusual container-like shapes or properties Bagpipes, chair, throne Unique structures Tent, fort, hut Miscellaneous barrier words Basket, bubble, cage Penetration imagery Reference to the mouth being opened or used for intake or expulsion Eating, tongue, yawning Reference to evading, bypassing or penetrating through the exterior of an object Autopsy, fluoroscope, x-ray References to the body wall being broken, fractured, injured or damaged, including degeneration of surfaces Bleeding, stabbed, wounded, withered