Microorganisms are ubiquitous in Southern Ocean habitats and play a vital role in production and transformation of organic matter. Compared to other coastal and oceanic habitats, however, microbial processes in antarctic marine habitats are poorly understood. One major reason is the spatially and temporally variable nature of the habitat and the general inaccessibility of selected habitats (e.g., multi-year pack ice in austral winter). Despite these limitations, the region west of the Antarctic Peninsula is beginning to provide an opportunity for year-round field investigations. Progress to date has focused on the role of microorganisms in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and associated elements, the regulation of bacterial populations and the relationships between primary production and particulate matter export from the euphotic zone. The emergent patterns of carbon and energy flow and of microbial population inter-actions comprise a prospectus and a challenge for future studies in this region.Marine microbes have a major impact on both local and global environments. In addition to their primary metabolic activities, many species produce, or consume, growth-stimulating and growth-suppressing organic compounds (e.g., vitamins, organic toxins), while others emit "greenhouse" or ozone-destroying gases (e.g., methane and nitrous oxide) as normal by-products of cellular metabolism. Complex interactions and nutritional interdependencies of organisms occur in the marine environment. Consequently, it may be inappropriate to extrapolate data derived from pure cultures of laboratory-reared cells to microbial processes in situ.Superimposed on these integrated metabolic processes are numerous physical and chemical interactions that define the complex and temporally variable marine habitat. Some of the higher frequency temporal variability is predictable (e.g., diurnal, tidal, seasonal) but other processes (e.g., storms, volcanic eruptions) are stochastic. On longer time scales (e.g., decades to centuries), coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions and other global processes can cause habitat variability and provide a mechanism for biodiversity or evolutionary change. Such is the complex nature of microbial life in the sea.Of all the marine habitats investigated to date, those in the Southern Ocean are among the least well understood [Fried-ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH WEST OF THE PENINSULA mann, 1993]. Although the antarctic marine environment (including all ocean, sea ice and island components south of the Antarctic Convergence zone) is one of the largest ecosystems on Earth (36 x 106 km 2) [Petit et al., 1991], it is undersampled relative to other more accessible locations. Furthermore, the extreme variability in climate, solar radiation and sea-ice extent yields a physically and biologically variable habitat that is difficult to fully appreciate from a single field expedition. Repeated observations over several years and during all seasons, and comprehensive synoptic assessments of ocean circulation, chemistry and biology will b...