We evaluated the use of antifungal agents in the treatment of uncomplicated funguria by reviewing all case reports and studies regarding the treatment of funguria published in the English language from 1960 to 1991 (MEDLINE). Adult patients treated for uncomplicated funguria were included. Patients with fungal pyelonephritis and/or other systemic fungal manifestations were excluded from our analysis. All investigations were assessed for study design, sample size, definition of significant funguria, treatment regimen, inclusion of predisposing risk factors in outcome analysis, end points of therapy, and patient follow-up. Direct comparison of the studies on the use of antifungals in the treatment of uncomplicated funguria was not possible given the differing definitions of significant funguria, inconsistent reporting of risk factors, varying treatment regimens, end points of therapy, and duration of follow-up. Case reports and studies involving antifungals such as amphotericin B bladder irrigation, miconazole nitrate bladder irrigation, ketoconazole, and flucytosine were reviewed. Amphotericin B bladder irrigation appeared to be most effective and ketoconazole the least effective treatment of uncomplicated funguria. Predisposing risk factors, such as the presence of an indwelling urinary catheter, appear to play an important role in the persistence of positive cultures and failure of pharmacologic interventions. Until prospective, well-controlled studies are performed, no recommendation can be made for the treatment of uncomplicated funguria. In symptomatic patients therapy is indicated; however, the best regimen is unknown.