Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is an important process for students' independence and thus their academic development, especially with the increase of knowledge and the emergence of technology. Although SRL may not develop naturally, fortunately, it can be taught and learned. Therefore, the role of teachers is important in this regard. This descriptive study aimed to reveal the level of general and special education teachers' self-efficacy in promoting self-regulated learning (SRL) in classrooms. Moreover, it investigated the extent of influence of teachers' gender, area of specialization (General education and special education teachers), and years of experience in teachers' self-efficacy on the promotion of SRL. The study sample consisted of 142 male and female teachers in primary and middle schools in Riyadh. The study used Teacher Self-Efficacy to Implement SRL Scale (TSES-SRL) developed by (De Smul. et al., 2018). The results showed that teachers had a moderate degree of selfefficacy in terms of promoting SRL among their students. The variables of gender, years of experience and subject-area of specialization had no effect on teachers' self-efficacy in promoting SRL.