“…The field of human neuroimaging has started to address these issues with initiatives for standardized, reproducible analysis pipelines (BIDS, Nipype, etc) (Gorgolewski et al, 2011(Gorgolewski et al, , 2016, data sharing (OpenfMRI, Zenodo, Neurovault, etc) (Gorgolewski et al, 2015;Poldrack et al, 2013), and collaborative and open coding (GitHub, GitLab, etc). NHP neuroimaging has been lagging behind in adopting such collaborative open science initiatives, but people's willingness to share and be open about the resource solutions they developed is steadily increasing (Balbastre et al, 2017;Tasserie et al, 2020) and new developments in information technology promote these initiatives, while creating avenues to assign explicit credit to developers. The global NHP neuroimaging consortium (Milham et al, 2020(Milham et al, , 2018…”