The center of a nonassociative ring is the set of all elements which commute and associate with all other elements of the ring, i.e. \x\ [x, a] = ix, a, b) = ia, x, b) = ix, a, b)=0 for all elements a, b}. Hypotheses on the ring imply conditions on the center, e.g. the center of any simple nonassociative ring is either 0 or a field. We examine the reverse problem. We place hypotheses on the center and see how they are reflected in properties of the ring.A ( -1, 1) ring is a nonassociative ring in which the following identities are assumed to hold:for all elements a, b, c. We study ( -1, 1) rings with an idempotent 5¿0, 1 with the further property that their centers contain no trivial ideals. (An ideal 7 is trivial if 7=^0 but 72 = 0.) Except for the cases of characteristic 2 and 3, we will be able to show that such an algebra has a Peirce decomposition A =An+Aio-\-Aoi+Aoo where the multiplication table for the summands is the same as if A were associative. We will also show that ^4ioj4oi+^4io+^4oi+^4oi^4io is an ideal of A contained in the nucleus of A. (The nucleus of a ring A is \x\ (a, b, x) = (a, x, b) = (a, b, x) =0 for all a, b EA }.) This latter statement was proved by Sterling [5 ] using the stronger hypothesis that the ring was free of trivial ideals entirely.