The structure of 105 Sn has been investigated through the 50 Cr( 58 Ni,2pn) reaction at a beam energy of 210 MeV. In addition to an extension of the spherical level scheme, a regular sequence of dipole transitions has been found. The experimental results are in agreement with the prediction of Tilted Axis Cranking calculations, which satisfactorily explain the properties of the band.The recently discovered sequences of ∆I = 1 M1 transitions in the nuclei around 200 Pb [1] [2] show very unusual properties: a high regularity with no signature splitting, the missing or very small crossover E2 transitions indicating small deformation, B(M1) very large (several units of µ 2 N ) and a ratio of the moment of inertia to the B(E2) about an order of magnitude larger than for normal or superdeformed nuclei.The interpretation of this sequences has been given in terms of a novel type of excitation [3,4,5], called 'magnetic' rotation. Different from normal rotation, here it is the magnetic dipole that rotates about the angular momentum vector and not the deformed electrical charge distribution. In the Pb region, the angular momentum increase along the band is generated by the simultaneous reorientation of the spins of the protonparticles (h 9/2 or i 13/2 ) and of the neutron-holes (i 13/2 ). These angular momentum vectors are essentially perpendicular near the bandheads and align with the total angular momentum of the nucleus for increasing rotational frequency ("shears mechanism"). The Tilted Axis Cranking (TAC) model [3] provides the theoretical framework for a description of magnetic rotation and predicts the appearance of similar bands for the A=100 mass region [4] [5]. Here neutron-particles in the h 11/2 orbital and proton-holes in the g 9/2 orbital combine to the rotating dipole.
Fellowship supported by CSIC, SpainIn this work we report on the discovery of a shears band in 105 Sn by using in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy.High-spin states of the 105 Sn nucleus were populated using the 58 Ni + 50 Cr reaction at a beam energy of 210 MeV. The target consisted of 2 self-supporting foils of isotopically enriched 50 Cr with a total thickness of 1 mg/cm 2 . The GASP array, with 40 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors and a multiplicity filter of 80 BGO scintillators, was used for a γ-coincidence measurement.In order to select the reaction channel we have used, in addition to the GASP array, the Si-ball ISIS [6] and the recoil mass spectrometer [7].Multipolarity information for the gamma transitions was extracted from directional correlation (DCO) intensity ratios. The proposed level scheme for 105 Sn is shown in Fig. 1.The spherical part of the 105 Sn level scheme is in agreement with the previous work [8]. The ground state assignment of I π =5/2 + is based on β + /EC decay [9]. All the levels observed up to spin 23/2 + are consistent with excitations of 5 valence neutrons into the d 5/2 , g 7/2 , s 1/2 and d 3/2 orbitals [8]. Positive parity states above the 23/2 + level require either the promotion of two neutrons into the h 11/2 orbit ...