Purpose: To evaluate the utility and safety of orotracheal intubation in adult patients with simulated difficult airways using the Bullard Laryngoscope (BL). Methods: A rigid cervical collar was used to simulate the difficult airway. The study consisted of two phases. Phase I evaluated the BL used in conjunction with an independently styletted endotracheal tube (ISE-Vr) passed freehand into the trachea. Phase II evaluated the new Multifunctional Intubating Stylet (MFIS). Forty patients were studied in each phase. Following induction of anesthesia a rigid cervical collar was applied and the laryngoscopic grade assessed. Tracheal intubation was then performed using the BL with either an ISE-I-F or the MFIS. The total time to intubate, number of attempts, failures, hemodynamic changes during intubation were recorded. Results: The rigid collar effectively simulated a difficult laryngoscopy, 65~ of patients had a grade 3 view. The success rates for tracheal intubation using the ISE-i-I-and MFIS were 88% and 83% respectively. The average times to intubation were similar for both intubating techniques (45.4 +_ 26.8 sec for the ISE-I-I-and 41.2 • 25.2 sec for the MFIS). Although there were minor hemodynamic changes, mucosal bleeding and sore throat following intubation, there were no major complications in any of the study patients. Conclusions: The BL, used with either an ISETT or the MFIS, is an effective and safe intubating device for patients with simulated restricted cervical spine movement. Further studies are needed to compare the effectiveness and safety of these two techniques in managing patients with a difficult airway.Objeclif: I~valuer I'utilit6 et la s&urit6 de rintubation orotrach&le de patients adultes, chez qui on a simul6 une alt&ation des voies aEriennes, en utilisant un laryngoscope de Bullard (LB). M&hode : Un collier cervical rigide a 6tE utilisE pour simuler I'intubation difficile. Quarante patients ont particip~ chacune des deux phases de I'~tude : pendant la phase I, on a 6value le LB utilisE en conjonction avec un tube endotrach~al ~ stylet ind~pendant (TETSI) passe & main libre dans la trachEe; pendant la phase II, on a ~valuE le nouveau stylet d'intubation multifonctionnel (SIMF). Apr& rinduction de ranesthEsie, on a applique un collier cervical rigide et cote la laryngoscopie. On a procEdE ensuite ~ I'intubation en utilisant le LB soit avec le TETSI, soit avec le SIME Le temps total nEcessaire pour procEder ~ I'intubation, le nombre d'essais, les &hecs et les changements h~modynamiques qui se sont produits pendant rintubation ont Et6 notes. REsultats: Le collier rigide a efficacement simulE des difficultEs d'intubation, 65 % des patients pr&entant une classe 3. Les taux de rEussite de rintubation endotrachEale avec le TETSI ou le SIMF ont Et6 de 88 96 et 83 % respectivement. Les deux techniques d'intubation ont n&essitE des temps similaires (45,4 • 26,8 s avec le TETSI et 41,2 _ 25,2 s avec le SIMF). Des changements hEmodynamiques mineurs sont survenus, un saignement de la muqueuse et une ir...