It is wellknown that there are technical difficulties in assessing absolute metabolite concentrations from peak values during in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy. At the same time, in other neuroimaging methods, for example, positron emission tomography, relative evaluations are widely used, when a radiopharmaceutical accumulation in the region of interest is normalized to its accumulation in the reference area. In this study we used the same approach in multivoxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy and evaluated the metabolites ratios in gray and white matter. The ratios of N-acethylaspartate, creatine and choline in gray and white matter in supraventricular area were studied in patients with cognitive impairment and age-related healthy controls. The creatine ratios in white and gray matter differed significantly in the observed groups and correlated with the cognitive tests scores and cortex thickness. The obtained results show that for the correct interpretation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data could be useful to evaluate not only traditional metabolites ratios, but also ratios of metabolite concentrations in white and gray matter.