Abstract-This article describes the revision of a lecture in optical engineering based on an evaluation of university teaching by students. Although this evaluation method is widely accepted and investigated, only few practically oriented reports on the deduction of teaching improvements from the evaluation's results on lectures are available. Our approach is the analysis of evaluation results by applying the principles of the explorative factor analysis (EFA). The changes that were derived from this analysis were mainly focused on a revision of the course structure and its presentation style.Finally, the impact of the modifications was measured by the evaluation of the lecture after the completed revision. The later evaluation showed improvements in all intended areas of interests illustrating the benefit of thorough revisions for the quality of teaching.evaluate optical components and simple systems with Zemax (widely-used optical ray tracing software) in ODL. During the period under consideration the quality index ratings for OE tutorials was 94.4 out of 100 (winter term 2011/12) and 92 out of 100 for ODL (winter term 2011/12). These evaluation results are quoted for the sake of completeness and to emphasize that there is no necessity to restructure the tutorials and ODL.Both are courses but influenced significantly by OE. Therefore, in the course of restructuring OE, care has to be taken that these do not suffer.
III. EVALUATION PROCESSAt the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) it is mandatory that every lecture is evaluated by students [9]. Students can rate a wide range of indicators (up to 40) affecting classroom teaching like the usage of black boards, clarity of the speaker, script quality and learning success among others, with an integer value from 1 (very good) to 5 (very bad). For each indicator an average (vI) is calculated. The university supports the lecturer with the averaged value of each indicator and its standard derivation but just a graphical depiction of the raw data.Therefore, it is hard to inspect dependencies from year to year, e.g. by t-test statistics.Five key indicators are taken as a base to calculate a teaching quality index called "Lehrqualitätsindex" (LQI). If the indicator's average is between 1.0 and 2.5, its quality value (sLQI) is judged as 100. Between 2.5 and 3.5 there is a 100 . If the average is between 3.5 and 5, its sLQI is 0. Five sLQIs are weighted with a number between 0 and 1 and then summed up for the calculation of the overall lecture's LQI. The LQI is usually calculated for lectures by the key indicators overall impression, work load, course structure, (perceived) dedication of the lecturer and his responsiveness (these indicators are applicable for our evaluation as well). It is flexible in a way that indicators used in computation of the quality index can be changed upon request to more fitting items. The calculation process is displayed in Fig. 1. The LQI is taken as a raw measuring tool for the departmental advisory boards to identify issues in teaching ...