OBJECTIVES: to investigate the principle nursing interventions/actions, prescribed in the
immediate post-operative period for patients who receive lung transplantation,
recorded in the medical records, and to map these using the Nursing Interventions
Classification (NIC) taxonomy. METHOD: retrospective documental research using 183 medical records of patients who
received lung transplantation (2007/2012). The data of the patients' profile were
grouped in accordance with the variables investigated, and submitted to
descriptive analysis. The nursing interventions prescribed were analyzed using the
method of cross-mapping with the related interventions in the NIC. Medical records
which did not contain nursing prescriptions were excluded. RESULTS: the majority of the patients were male, with medical diagnoses of pulmonary
fibrosis, and underwent lung transplantation from a deceased donor. A total of 26
most frequently-cited interventions/actions were found. The majority (91.6%) were
in the complex and basic physiological domains of the NIC. It was not possible to
map two actions prescribed by the nurses. CONCLUSIONS: it was identified that the main prescriptions contained general care for the
postoperative period of major surgery, rather than prescriptions individualized to
the patient in the postoperative period following lung transplantation. Care
measures related to pain were underestimated in the prescriptions. The mapping
with the taxonomy can contribute to the elaboration of the care plan and to the
use of computerized systems in this complex mode of therapy.