ReviewCauston, Helen C. Metab olic rhyth ms: A frame work for coord inati ng cellu lar function Golden, Susan S. Princ iples of rhyth micit y emerg ing from cyano bacteria Loros, Jennifer J. Princ iples of the anima l molec ular clock learn ed from Neuro spora Circadian rhythms in complex systems Exp't Gillette, Martha U. Circa dian rhyth m of redox state regul ates membr ane excit abili ty in hippo campa l CA1 neurons Prosser, Rebecca A. Coppe r in the supra chias matic circa dian clock : A possi ble link betwe en multi ple circa dian oscil lators Silver, Rae Overe xpres sion of stria tal D2 recep tors reduc es motiv ation there by decre asing food antic ipato ry activity Stengl, Monika Circa dian pacem aker neuro ns of the Madei ra cockr oach are inhib ited and activ ated by GABAA and GABAB recep tors Review Evans, Jennifer A. Circu it devel opmen t in the maste r clock netwo rk of mammals Gamble, Karen L. Circa dian regul ation of membr ane physi ology in neura l oscil lator s throu ghout the brain Green, Carla B. Perio dicit y, repre ssion , and the molec ular archi tectu re of the mamma lian circa dian clock Helfrich-Föerster, Charlotte Flies as model s for circa dian clock adapt ation to envir onmen tal chall enges Honma, Sato Devel opmen t of the mamma lian circa dian clock Ko, Gladys Y.-P. Circa dian regul ation in the retin a: From molec ules to network Mahoney, Megan M. Modul ation of circa dian rhyth ms throu gh estro gen recep tor signa ling Maywood, Elizabeth S. Synch roniz ation and maint enanc e of circa dian timin g in the mamma lian clock work Mongrain, Valérie Trans cript ional contr ol of synap tic compo nents by the clock machi nery Sehgal, Amita Molec ular and circu it mecha nisms media ting circa dian clock outpu t in the Droso phila brain Sumová, Alena Myste ry of rhyth mic signa l emerg ence withi n the supra chias matic nuclei Clocks in health and disruption Exp't Harrington, Mary E. Recur ring circa dian disru ption alter s circa dian clock sensi tivit y to reset ting Martha Merrow Strat egies to decre ase socia l jetla g: Reduc ing eveni ng blue light advan ces sleep and melat onin Skene, Debra J. Effec t of acute total sleep depri vatio n on plasm a melat onin, corti sol and metab olite rhyth ms in females Review Boivin, Diane B. Metab olic and cardi ovasc ular conse quenc es of shift work: The role of circa dian disru ption and sleep distu rbances Cirelli, Chiara Sleep and synap tic down-selec tion Duncan, Marilyn J. Inter actin g influ ences of aging and Alzhe imer's disea se on circa dian rhythms Fu, Ying-Hui The molec ular genet ics of human sleep González-Mariscal, Gabriela Behav ioral , neuro endoc rine and physi ologi cal indic ators of the circa dian biolo gy of male and femal e rabbits Lyons, Lisa C. Aging and the clock : Persp ectiv e from flies to humans McClung, Colleen A. Mood-relat ed centr al and perip heral clocks Meijer, Johanna H. From clock to funct ional pacem aker Shirasu-Hiza, Mimi Tired and stres sed: Exami ning the need for sleep Simonneaux, Valérie A Kiss to dr...