We I1'8tefuUy acknowledge the support of the Department of Transportation Program of University Research, Contract DOT·OS·30093 and the computational auistance of Mary Zimmer, currently an Aaaistant ProfellOr at the University of Geol'lia. Both authors contributed equaDy.
Previous Research on OneVersus Two-Sided ArgumentsEarly research into one-versus two-sided communications was conducted during World War II (16). There was no main effect on direct attitude change, but there were interactions with initial favorability: One-sided communication was more effective for those initially in favor of the conclusion, while two-sided communication was more effective for those initially opposed to the conclusion. In addition, two-sided messages were more effective for high school graduates and one-sided messages were more effective for subjects having less than a high school education. higher advertising evaluation.. generalizations acrose products should be made with caution.