Human activity recognition is a core component of context-aware, ubiquitous computing systems. Traditionally, this task is accomplished by analyzing signals of wearable motion sensors. While such signals can effectively distinguish various low-level activities (e.g. walking or standing), two issues exist: First, high-level activities (e.g. watching movies or attending lectures) are difficult to distinguish from motion data alone. Second, instrumentation of complex body sensor network at population scale is impractical. In this work, we take an alternative approach of leveraging rich, dynamic, and crowd-generated self-report data as the basis for in-situ activity recognition. By treating the user as the "sensor", we make use of implicit signals emitted from natural use of mobile smartphones. Applying an L1-regularized Linear SVM on features derived from textual content, semantic location, and time, we are able to infer 10 meaningful classes of daily life activities with a mean accuracy of up to 83.9%. Our work illustrates a promising first step towards comprehensive, high-level activity recognition using free, crowd-generated, social media data.