In order to understand the hydrological behavior of a catchment area, morphometric analysis of the drainage basin plays an important role to expresses the geology, geomorphology and structural antecedents. In the present study, morphometric analysis and its influence on hydrology were carried out in Makhawan watershed, Central India, using SRTM, remote sensing and GIS. SRTM data were used for preparation of DEM, slope and aspect maps. DEM was used to delineate the watershed limits and to extract the channel network, which was later updated using IRS 1D LISS III data. The hydrological module in ArcGIS was used for calculation of watershed and morphometric parameters, under linear, relief and aerial aspects. The watershed shows dendritic-to-sub-dendritic drainage pattern; however, parallel-to-sub-parallel pattern developed locally which may be due to rejuvenation of streams in mature stage with moderate drainage texture. High drainage density in the watershed is observed over impermeable subsurface material, sparse vegetation with high relief; whereas, low drainage density is found over permeable subsurface material and low relief. It has been found that low relief with low drainage density areas are favorable sites for more groundwater prospects.