1 Post market monitoring of GM crops is mandatory in EU states where they are grown commercially. Carabid beetles are very sensitive to environmental changes and may be used as indicators to monitor impacts of transgenic crops. This study aimed to assess which, where and when carabids should be sampled for improved postmarket monitoring. 2 Carabids were pitfall-trapped in maize fields, field margins, alfalfa and semi-natural vegetation across three regions of NE Spain, during 2 years, and three sampling dates. 3 Overall, 9193 carabids of 42 species were identified, aggregated into trophic groups and used for calculating community measures. The best indicator was Pseudoophonus rufipes (De Geer), satisfying criteria of abundance, relevance, sensitivity, ease of sampling, and sufficient statistical power. The carnivore group should also be monitored as an indicator of biodiversity and invertebrate biological control. 4 The best sampling location was the field margin where carabids are exposed to GM maize and are abundant enough to require smaller sample sizes to detect population changes. 5 Finally, sampling should concentrate around maize pollen-shed when carabid abundance is highest. 6 This study provides baseline data and shows that carabids can cost effectively improve detection capacity of postmarket monitoring.