Regression testing is one of the most critical testing activities among software product verification activities. Nevertheless, resources and time constraints could inhibit the execution of a full regression test suite, hence leaving us in confusion on what test cases to run to preserve the high quality of software products. Different techniques can be applied to prioritize test cases in resource-constrained environments, such as manual selection, automated selection, or hybrid approaches. Different Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been used in this domain to find an optimal solution to minimize the cost of executing a regression test suite while obtaining maximum fault detection coverage as if the entire test suite was executed. MOEAs achieve this by selecting set of test cases and determining the order of their execution. In this paper, three Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, namely, NSGA-II, IBEA and MoCell are used to solve test case prioritization problems using the fault detection rate and branch coverage of each test case. The paper intends to find out what’s the most effective algorithm to be used in test cases prioritization problems, and which algorithm is the most efficient one, and finally we examined if changing the fitness function would impose a change in results. Our experiment revealed that NSGA-II is the most effective and efficient MOEA; moreover, we found that changing the fitness function caused a significant reduction in evolution time, although it did not affect the coverage metric.