“…EnergyPLAN is suitable for analysing the value of biomass in an energy system through different pathways: thermochemical (combined heat and power (CHP), bio-heat and gasification) and biochemical (biogas, biopetrol and biodiesel) conversion processes. The tool has been used extensively in the design of a 100% renewable energy system in Denmark and other countries (Lund and Mathiesen, 2009;Connolly et al, 2011;C`osic`et al, 2012), and in highly respected peer-reviewed publications dealing with energy system analysis, of which optimal biomass resource assortment in the electricity and heating sectors (Kwon and Østergaard, 2013), wind power integration using flexible technologies (Østergaard, 2013) and the role of district heating in future renewable energy systems are some that can be mentioned. Detailed documentation and free downloads are available at www.energyplan.eu.…”