Computing, communication, and technology have not only made an amazing progress in the past couple of decades but also made a huge impact on the evolution of science and society. During the last half-century, we can broadly say that the pace & direction of this evolution is due to the rapid growth in theoretical & technological advancements in Computer Science (hardware & software), networks, electronics, photonicseach one catalyzing the other's growth & thus reducing their costs and in turn their accessibility. In fact, some of the outcomes were a result of funding from NSF, DARPA (USA), and advancements realized at Bell Labs, AT&T, IBM, Xerox, SRI, et al. One of the most striking observations since the beginning of the century has been that the pace and growth is largely dictated by the market 1 . Some of the important characteristic observations are:1. There is an information avalanche as the digital universe is expanding at a rapid rate. It is estimated that by year 2020, the digital data produced will exceed 40 zettabytes. This corresponds to saying for every human there is approximately 5200 gigabytes of data 2 .