This work presents an ar chitecture that allows users to enha nce their pri vacy control over t he com putational environment . Web pr ivacy is a topic that is raising, nowad ays, many discussions. Usu ally, peopl e do not know how their privacy can be violated or what ca n be done to protect it. Among the gener ated conllicts, we would like to show up t he one that happens between privacy and personalization: by one sid e, users appreciate the idea of receiving personalized services a nd do not a pprove the collection , tracing and an alysis of their ac tions; by the other side, personalization se rvices need this type of informa tion in order to profile their users . The a rchitec t ure presented in this a rt icle helps users to understand better how their privacy ca n be invaded and, a t the same time, gives them a better cont rol of their privacy, through anonymit y, without preventing them from receiving personalized services.