Increase in the use of digital platforms generate a very huge amount of user data which on processing reveals more valuable information about users while mining or it may also reveal some future events. Privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) is the current developing area of research that precisely ensures a certain level of privacy by increasing the utility of information. Data Anonymization is a PPDM technique that protects sensitive information in the recordset with high confidence. Anonymizing recordsets that consists of null values habitually referred as deficient recordsets, suffer from serious information loss owing to null value contamination. This would be arisen because of the null values present in the original recordset. In this paper, we proposed an enhanced ARX framework to anonymize the deficient recordsets through a higher level of privacy and utility. We explore the characteristics of null value contamination on generalization, driven by these characteristics, we formulate an Enhanced ARX Anonymization-(,)Anonymity Model to preserve data utility on deficient recordsets. The results obtained by executing our framework over the real-world dataset proved to be optimized in providing better tradeoff between utility and privacy for deficient recordsets in Cell oriented Anonymization (CoA), Attribute oriented Anonymization (AoA) and Record oriented Anonymization (RoA) than the existing procedures.