In the present work high resolution Fourier Transform spectroscopy is applied to monitor the electronphonon (e --ph) interaction in YAB single crystals doped with trivalent Er and Dy ions. The electronphonon coupling is analysed by monitoring the shape, width, and position of the zero-phonon lines induced by Er
3+. The shift and broadening with temperature increasing are discussed in the framework of the two-phonon Raman scattering. The e --ph interaction is revealed even by the presence, in the absorption spectra of Er and Dy doped YAB crystals, of new weak lines attributed to vibronic transitions. The energy separations between the vibronic and the ZP lines are compared with IR-active modes measured on YAB crystals. Boron isotopic effects are also put in evidence. , thus the knowledge of the electron-phonon (e --ph) coupling strength is important not only from a fundamental point of view, but also from an applicative one. Information about the e --ph interaction can be derived from optical absorption spectra from two experimental observations: 1) the temperature induced shift and broadening of the zero phonon (ZP) lines and 2) the presence of new weak lines attributed to vibronic transitions. Different mechanisms can produce the line broadening: non-radiative decay or Raman relaxation of the ion to lower energy states involving one or more phonons, resonant or Raman excitation to higher energy states, and Raman scattering of phonons which maintains the ion in the same electronic state. The first four processes affect the line width by shortening the lifetime, while the last broadens the energy levels without removing the electrons from it. Since the width obtained from the inverse of the decay times is much lower than that measured from the spectra, the two phonon Raman scattering is the main contribution [2]. Thus, the width change ∆E i of the i th line can be written as